コンセプトは ”どうしたら面白くなるか?” Profit by Quality/品質でもうけなさいin English drawn & written by Isao Hirasawa
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2.3 If quality is good, productivity is also high. Profit by Quality《Contents》
T.Way of thinking quality and cost
Productivity is the efficiency of production.
Efficiency is a ratio of an investment and production. If a numerical value is big, efficiency is high, and it will be low if small.

It’s common sense.
1. Company without problem cannot profit
2. Good or bad quality is known at cost
2.1 Let’s think over the meaning of quality
2.2 Is quality "goodness"?
2.3 If quality is good, productivity is also high.
2.4 Quality is not visible by the number of cases.
2.5 Grasp quality with cost.
2.6 Level of quality control

 Efficiency = ――――――――――


                yield (sum and quantity of production, sales, profits, etc.)
 Productivity =――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――
           investment (number of employee, materials expense, man-hour, outlay, etc.)
3. What is quality assurance?
U.Way of solution quality problem
4. Make problem solving efficient.
5. Shares a problem by visualization
6. Dig into, and get clue of solution
7. Don't take unprofitable measure
Speaking of productivity improvement, the following problem becomes the theme.
V.Consultation example of quality problem
8. Consultation example of quality problem
9. Necessary way of thinking to raise level

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改善提案名人に挑戦! Dの問題…デリバリー/生産管理の問題について考えてみましょう
These are, so to speak, something like infrastructure maintenance of the production, and the method and means of the solution to the problem are almost studied exhaustively and have been standardized. Therefore, these are not so special and neither difficult.

Appropriate results are achieved unless the party concerned is short of motivation.
However, the time to hit the ceiling someday comes on.
Because true loss (= quality) is actualized.
It's the greatest climax of whether an improvement is really successful.
In the way of the same operating improvement as the former, a quality problem is unsolvable.

With the result kept stagnating, if sitting back with folded arms, the motivation of the party concerned will fall certainly.

However, a more unsavory thing is
running to a former type quality reform inflexibly just because it's a problem of quality.

That is the method which is regarding quality as "goodness", protecting defective outflow by a severe inspection and securing quality by attention arousing.
There is not the idea of the productivity anymore.
On the contrary, sooner or later the past improvement activity burns down because the inspection cost increase which conflicts with a productivity improvement hangs around it.
We'll understand easily
how such a mentalistic quality reform is stupid
if we know that quality is a loss.
If quality improvement is not advanced as productivity improvement activity, it's not meaningful.

Losses are reduced thoroughly and
if productivity doesn't improve, it cannot be said that quality became good.
If defects and claims are left, we'll fall into the vicious circle that productivity falls and cost increases rapidly.
Conversely, if quality is stable, it will link with profits directly only by it.

If you'd like to gain, you must be tackling a quality problem earnestly. This is best.
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