コンセプトは ”どうしたら面白くなるか?” Profit by Quality/品質でもうけなさいin English drawn & written by Isao Hirasawa
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1. Company without problem cannot profit Profit by Quality《Contents》
T.Way of thinking quality and cost
1. Company without problem cannot profit
1.1 What is the problem?
1.2 Comp. with prob and comp. without prob
1.3 Is there specific remedy for solution?
1.4 Such a company fails in improvement
1.5 Mgt. reform is mgr's responsibility
2. Good or bad quality is known at cost
3. What is quality assurance?

U.Way of solution quality problem
…Maybe, most people will think so.
But I never speak of a wrong thing.
The company without a problem is a really dangerous company.
4. Make problem solving efficient.
5. Shares a problem by visualization
6. Dig into, and get clue of solution
7. Don't take unprofitable measure
V.Consultation example of quality problem
8. Consultation example of quality problem
9. Necessary way of thinking to raise level

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…there will be such a president keeping his head high.
But it is a howler if you think that you can make money in the same way as now ten years later and five years later.
You cannot guarantee the tomorrow's profit without a problem.
改善提案名人に挑戦! Dの問題…デリバリー/生産管理の問題について考えてみましょう
The company without a problem is never be able to profit.
1.1 What is the problem?
Problem is the word used well every day.
Yes. Full of problems are in the factory…
What do you think the problem is?
Please think about the meaning of the problem.

What kind of time do you think, "this is a problem" at?
For example, is not the following scene seen in your company and workplace?
These are certainly problems. You think so, don’t you?
But it cannot be said a true problem only in this.
It is only a simple complaint.

In such a scene, don’t you think about the following thing?
If only it becomes such way…or if only I become so…you sometimes think so, don’t you?
Oh? You say thinking of such an impossible thing is nonsense?
Yes, you may be correct.
But possibly it may not be impossible.
These are, so to speak, things called the ideals.

In contrast, it is a real scene to say that you have many stocks or many defectives.

The problem is differences (gap) between ideal and reality.
Speaking of "a problem", it reminds me of the written examination of the school.
The problem in a workplace, a company and a factory is the same as this.

For example, zero defect is an ideal and the heap of defective products in front is reality.
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〈1.1 What is the problem?〉Top NEXT
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