コンセプトは ”どうしたら面白くなるか?” Profit by Quality/品質でもうけなさいin English drawn & written by Isao Hirasawa
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1.4 Such a company fails in improvement Profit by Quality《Contents》
T.Way of thinking quality and cost
Various management methods, management technique are developed
and are introduced into many companies through all ages and countries.
The most are application of the basic management technology
not a particularly surprisingly new thing now.
1. Company without problem cannot profit
1.1 What is the problem?
1.2 Comp. with prob and comp. without prob
1.3 Is there specific remedy for solution?
1.4 Such a company fails in improvement
1.5 Mgt. reform is mgr's responsibility
2. Good or bad quality is known at cost
3. What is quality assurance?

U.Way of solution quality problem
4. Make problem solving efficient.
5. Shares a problem by visualization
6. Dig into, and get clue of solution
7. Don't take unprofitable measure
V.Consultation example of quality problem
8. Consultation example of quality problem
9. Necessary way of thinking to raise level

However, these are eye-catchers for a consultant,
so he’d like to attract attention from companies
and get a lot of clients somehow in one company.
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改善提案名人に挑戦! Dの問題…デリバリー/生産管理の問題について考えてみましょう
…well, it may be said that these are usual practices.
Furthermore ...
The side to sell says so by all means.

…please don’t think so.

Because there are many companies that introduce such improvement techniques, and succeed practically.
If result is given, it is a correct answer unquestionably.
In other words there’s neither wrong technique nor wrong way of thinking.
But in many cases...
The reason why an improvement goes wrong is…
because it has received instruction of the consultant who is not good.
…is a joke.
Whether or not there will be external instruction,
the company out of which a result doesn’t come doesn’t work after all.
That is because it has such a prevention factor.
If you have failed in the improvement, doesn't it occur to these?

Eh? You don’t?
Well, you don’t…that being the case,

You may have a more fundamental, serious, and unsavory prevention factor before improvement activities.

It is such things.
If management of the company has a defect, it will not work
even if the specific remedy which is effective however is thrown in.
Because the effect of specific remedy doesn’t come out, a manager asks the next for new specific remedy from the next and he repeats frustration.
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