コンセプトは ”どうしたら面白くなるか?” Profit by Quality/品質でもうけなさいin English drawn & written by Isao Hirasawa
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★★★Seminar of the actual solution to the problem for management leaders troubled with quality★★★ Profit by Quality《Contents》
T.Way of thinking quality and cost
1. Company without problem cannot profit
2. Good or bad quality is known at cost

3. What is quality assurance?
U.Way of solution quality problem
4. Make problem solving efficient.
5. Shares a problem by visualization
6. Dig into, and get clue of solution
7. Don't take unprofitable measure
V.Consultation example of quality problem
8. Consultation example of quality problem
Necessary way of thinking to raise level

    ◆The quality improves by all means if you do severe inspection thoroughly!

  ◆Defectives always disappear surely if you work with scrupulous attention!

    ◆The poor quality goods are cheap and the high-quality articles are expensive!

      ◆It is natural that the price goes up if you invest in quality improvement!

   ◆A purpose of the quality control is to improve customer satisfaction!

  ◆Japanese people are diligent and scrupulous, so Japanese products get high quality!

     ◆Judging from CS, the appointed date of delivery is more important than quality!

    ◆The company that has taken ISO9000 cannot have bad quality!

  ◆Improvement of the quality is work of the quality assurance section!

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